þriðjudagur, janúar 31, 2006

If life seems Johnny rotten,
There's something you've forgotten

Uppáhaldið mitt hann Johnny Rotten er fimmtugur í dag. Hann heiðra ég hér með lista yfir bestu lögin hans:

Topp 10 - Bestu lög Rotten:

1. Holidays in the Sun (Sex Pistols)
2. God Save the Queen (Sex Pistols)
3. This is Not a Love Song (PiL)
4. Anarchy in the U.K. (Sex Pistols)
5. Rise (PiL)
6. Public Image (PiL)
7. Pretty Vacant (Sex Pistols)
8. Open Up (Leftfield/Lydon)
9. EMI (Sex Pistols)
10. Submission (Sex Pistols)

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